Choosing the Perfect Coffee Table

Do you need help choosing the perfect coffee table?

Choosing the Perfect Coffee Table

Do you need help choosing the perfect coffee table?

Houzz offers some great practical tips to pick the one that’s just right for your lounge.

It’s vital to select a table that complements the existing harmony of your room, so Houzz recommends anchoring the coffee table to the rest of your furniture – matching colours, textures, patterns, or materials are a great way to do this.

Also consider the practicality of your coffee table – if you like to shake up your furniture regularly or need some extra space, why not choose a fold-up table or one with wheels?


Perfect Coffee TAble


While it’s important to make sure your choice is as practical as possible, finding the right coffee table really gives you licence to experiment.

Be radical – a coffee table is the perfect purchase to try out new styles with, as it won’t dominate a space and isn’t too much of a financial commitment.

Vintage pieces can add a timeless element to a room and Houzz provides advice on where to find them.

Read more tips here to help you on your quest for the perfect coffee table.

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